PHP-Nuke Titanium CMS
Advanced Content Management
The US version of PHP-Nuke Titanium CMS is
an open-source highly modified Fork of Nuke-Evolution written
in PHP as a programming language and development was first
started in 2005. The software comes with a set of basic and advanced features
like a WYSIWYG editor, an admin interface with drag and drop
blocks, spam protection, and image processing. PHP-Nuke Titanium CMS
comes with the ability to use various modules that will extend the current
functionality of your portal/website. The latest version available for download
is 4.0.0b and is still in Beta.
PHP-Nuke Titanium now comes with v5 of the Titanium Facebook
SDK kit. It's already set up. All you have to do is add your app ID and
secret. You can disable Facebook anytime if you like, by default it is disabled
until you add your app ID and secret...
If you need help, we would be glad to set it up for FREE. We normally setup
your FREE portal and install and configure PHP-Nuke Titanium for you at the same
time. All you have to do, is send a private message to TheGhost asking for a
portal setup.
PHP-Nuke Titanium Website Today and sign up!
Download PHP-Nuke Titanium Today! It comes with an easy to use PHP installer. CLICK HERE TO DOWNLOAD
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